Wednesday, June 25, 2008

an "ideal" mind is a devil's workshop

okay the devil corners you when you have nothing else to do. it takes over your complete metabolism and lets its venom flow into your blood and shatters the hour glass that was ticking taking its own slow time into boredom. phew!! while you lie virtually handicapped, succumbed to the nothingness of the moment, not even twitching your eyebrow to buzz off the mosquito inflicting that irritation on you, your sense of vision suddenly animates into a schizophrenic film on the ceiling, and for better view, even the ceiling fan would disappear (not that it was of any assistance, i can see that you are sweating). what plays on the film may be talked about later, or perhaps to keep to the title, may be talked about in another post, but the 'ideality' and not the 'idlity' of your mind is worth pondering about.
going by the definitions, something is ideal when it is working (or behaving or being used) the way it is supposed to. a concept of something in its perfection. hence an ideal mind would be one using all its grey, white, black, whatever-colored cells to the fullest. why not? haven't you realised on regular days, when the proper functioning of your mind is required you tend to feel lazy, lethargic and what not. you would doze off in the class (i have no shame in confessing i literally sleep!) when it is expected of you to listen. aren't these evident signs of imperfection? on the other hand, when there is nothing to do, sleep wouldn't come to you, rather it would evade your eyes as if it would catch some infection from them. all your energy would be channelized into reminding you of your 'emotive' past - be it those walks by the beach or the pillows wet with tears (my my!!) or those people you love giving a good time in your nightmares! THIS i consider to be the state of ideality - your concentration focused onto the movie playing before your eyes, focused like a magnifying glass, burning a hole into the paper like the sun! HA! there you can see - the devil hypnotising you into believing that your friend deserted you because she thought you were a loser, or that you would meet with an accident if you set foot onto the road, or whatever you dare not think of in your lightest times. the room becomes a thrillarium - not only can you see, you can hear (with the Dolby sound effects too!), you can feel (ouch!), you would become glib at smelling the odour of your fears too if you keep exercising boredom often.
i believe one should check a person's IQ (or SQ or EQ any alphabet followed by a 'queue') when a person is completely bored out of his wits!! not when he is to do a 'boring' questionnaire.


Unknown said...

our eyes seem better than wide screen high definition projection syatems even in pitch dark rooms...and lights and fans can't help the strained yet kept open eyes and sweat on the brow. the devil's going to speak to you, like it or not!

The New Age Superhero said...

fuckin great! loved the way the thoughts flow in the post

and so true.. life is a movie... in fact life is a set of different movies combined into one

Divita said...

HERE is where u see ur past with ur eyes open. :D

The New Age Superhero said...

hahahaha.. yea man.. so true.. wow! am already on blogroll.. i'm honoured :)

Being and Belonging said...

Yaah I see you have talent...and creativity in writing...good with the flow of words.



Divita said...

@being and belonging - you sound like a veteran writer, no you dont sense sarcasm, thank you for judging me.

Punvati said...

Whoa.. what a torrent... excellent!

(and btw, totally agree. last line. those questionaires are the biggest farce ive seen)

Divita said...

@divya - yeh, i did try one online, an IQ test... scored 140...whatever that means!

Arthur Dent said...

the devil needs an invitation to enter our minds. we invite him the very day we are born, because that is the only time we are in an ideal state of mind.....

Divita said...

whoa! good one.

Abir Banerjee said...

amazing thought... and it's soo true, i mean when you have too much free time(like the present moment..hols), our minds wander the most, and it's actually working more than it was during the exams!!!!

Divita said...

see! magic!! ;)